Welcome to RamClinic.com
Sarvejana Sukhino Bhavanthu is well known proverb by Great ancient Health practitioner. Ram clinic is dedicated to maintain the Health of the healthy and cure for the diseased one with utter most care. Ram Clinic is established in the year of 2014, we provide facility of Day care,Genereal Physician, Gynecologist, Pediatrics,Ayurveda treatment, clinical Labarotary etc. We treat for the diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, Acne(Pimples), Eczeama, Psoriasis, Asthama etc with Natural remediease without much side effects.For peadiatric and School going age group we encourage natural immunity booster, Memory enhancer with natural remedy.
Treatment offered
General Physicians
Gynecologist on prior appointment
Pediatrician on prior appointment
Ayurved Treatment
Screening and treatment of Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity
Metabolic Syndrome, Alcoholic liver disease, Ascitis,
Hyper acidity, Irritable bowel syndrome, Chrons disease etc which are related with Gastrointestinal disease will be evaluated and treated
Skin treatments, Especially for Pimples, Scars on face, and Black spots etc with Natural Medicine
Sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Infertility etc. counseling will be done and treatment will be offered in Natural way.
Chronic joint disords like Arthritis, RA, Osteoartheritis etc will be treated
Advise suitable diet and exercise for Hypertension, Diabetes, and Obesity with natural diet.
Hair care like excessive hair Fall, Early graying of hairs etc.
Various chronic diseases can be evaluated treated and advise will be given
On prior Appointment
Multispecialty consultation
Day Care center
Lab facility Available