Disease and conditions
- Definition
- Symptoms
- Causes
- Risk factors
- Complications
- Preparing appointment
- Tests and diagnosis
- Treatments and drugs
- Home remedies
HIV-AIDS is the most dreaded challenge that the today's medical world is facing! An estimation reveals approximately 15 million children have been orphaned worldwide by HIV-AIDS. Shockingly, around 1800 children under-15 age-group are added to the newly infected figure, mainly by mother to child transmission. HIV is akin to the description of Rajayakshma characterized by involvement of multiple Srotas and presenting with diarrhea, cough, and fever and similar other symptoms. Needless to say this points towards plethora of clinical infections of Aids. Also the literature elaborates many of the radical cures for this serious sickness which include oral medication and are claimed to be very effective. At this juncture exploring effec-tive treatment for this dreadful disease is the need of the day.
The specific observation confirms the shivagutika as enhancing the vyadhikshamtva more to add this best response to shivagutika in comparison to ART is found to be superior. Further the reduction in Hb%, the complication of hepatitis; gastritis developed in treated with ART proves the supremacy of shivagutika is the treatment. More than anything the definite significant in-crease in cd4 count confirms the efficacy of shivagutika in Rajayakshma/ HIV infection. From this observation it can be definitely said that shivagutika can be prescribed as an effective treatment in Rajayakshma / HIV infection.
A comprehensive overview of how and why HIV grows and spreads when made, it reveals that HIV primarily targets the individual's immune system, compro¬mising the body's ability to fight the diseases or disorders of any and all kinds; thereby paving the way for untold opportunistic in¬fections. Socially speaking, the very word HIV/AIDS has painfully created a social stigma amongst the unaware and uneducated Indian society making the lives of our HIV positive brethren more hopeless than ever. This is owing to the lack of awareness about the facts and truths about HIV; merely being HIV positive doesn't necessarily is/leads to full blown AIDS! AIDS thrives because of lack of knowledge of how actually it spreads and how well it can be prevented and con¬trolled. As we have embarked the celebra¬tion of World AIDS Day on Dec. 1st of this year, today, let's proceed with the word that Prevention is better than Cure (when cure in AIDS is a rare and bare possibility).Clear cut knowledge, Good Nutrition, Proper Medical Care and Optimistic Approach is the need of the hour.
On the other hand the clinical pres¬entation of HIV is akin to the description of Rajayakshma characterized by involvement of multiple srotas (Multisystem) and pre¬senting with diarrhea, cough, fever and sim¬ilar other symptoms. Needless to say this points towards plethora of clinical infections of Aids. Also the literature elaborates many of the radical cures for this serious sickness which include oral medication and are claimed to be very effective. At this juncture exploring effective treatment for this dread¬ful disease is the need of the day.
Involvement of Pranavaha sro¬tas(respiratory System), Annavaha sro¬tas(Gastrointestinal Tract), Purisavahasro¬tas(Excretory), Rasavaha srotas and Rakta¬vaha Srotas(Hematological) characterizes the disease Rajayakshma1(Multisystem in¬volved Disease). Visamasana janaya, saha¬sajanya, vegadharana janya and Ksayaja are the different clinical varieties of the same. The defective Vyadhiksamatva (De¬fective Immunity) is invariable in the patho¬genesis of this disease. Trirurpi, Sadrupi and Ekadasarupi Rajayaksma are the different progressive syndrome presentation indicat¬ing the occurrence of horde of diseases. The illness is typically chronic and tends to de¬bilitate the physique. Sodhana(Expulsion of morbid factor through natural root), Samana (Cure morbid factor with effective medicine with oral medicine), Brmhana (Nourish to Musculo-Skeletal System) and Ra¬sayana(Immunity enhancer) form the crux of the treatment of Rajayaksma.
Thus exclusive remedies should be explored to uproot the disease or else the potent me¬dicines for effective control over this dread¬ful disease. Shivagutika is a Shamana (oral medicine) treatment, administered orally for a long duration is said to be very effective in combating the multiple system involvement of this disease.
The disease Rajayakshma is known by different names as Kshaya, Rogaraat, Shosha and so on. Rajayakshma is composed of two words viz. Raja and Yakshma. The word Raja is derived from Dhatu ‘Raj’ meaning ‘Deeptau’ which means the person who rules. Plurality of etiology causes multiple manifestation of Rajayakshma. The plural etiology factor falls under unique 4 catogeries, they are Shoshaja nidana,Vishamashana,Vegasandharana, Dhatukshayaja nidana.
The clinical presentation of Rajayakshma is never the same. The Rajayakshma contracted by way of sexual relation or by the other means also exhibit the similar nature of multiple clinical presentations. The multiple clinical presentations are described as Triroopi Rajayakshma, Shadroopi Rajayakshma, Ekadashiroopi Rajayakshma and so on. Person suffering from Rajayakshma may have any of the above said clinical presentation or intermediary between any of clinical presentation as Saptharoopi Rajayakshma, Astharoopi Rajayakshma Dasharoopi Rajayakshma and so on.
The eventuality of clinical presentation of Rajayakshma depends upon the interaction between Vyadhikasmatva and etiological factors. The different etiological factors tend to reduce the Vyadhikshamtva ultimately manifests as the disease Rajayakshma. This unique pathogenesis of interaction between host immune mechanism and the pathogenesis holds good for both Rajayakshma as well as HIV infection/AIDS.
The etiological factors causing morbidity of Dosha, morbid Dosha in turn circulating in the body gets localized in different parts. Finally leading to the different symptoms related to Sandhi, Pranavaha, Annavahasrotas and so on. It’s worth mentioning here that clinical manifestation and severity of illness may vary from patient to patient and is dependent upon the Vyadhikshamatva interacting with virulence of etiological factors. Akin to this HIV infection/AIDS may be present with the multiple clinical manifestations, probably related to opportunistic infection or otherwise.
The treatment of disorders of Rajayakshma should consist of such operations as to give rise to the concordance of Dhatus. Treatment is given with the objective of ensuring that no discordance will arise in the Dhatus and there is continuance of their concordance. In Rajayakshma there is vitiation of Doshas that ultimately leads to depletion of Dhatus. Therefore, the prime aim of management of Rajayakshma is concordance of Doshas and Dhatus. The possibility of Shodhana in a patient suffering from HIV/AIDS adapting the principle of Shodhana treatment of Ayurveda; it can be argued that the HIV/AIDS is an illness of Bahudosavastha, and Shodhana is essential. With the due consideration of the physical strength Mrudu Shodhana may be adapted further, exclusive remedies should be explored to uproot the disease or else the potent medicines for effective control over this dreadful disease. Sivagutika is a Shamana treatment/Rasayana, administered orally for a long duration is said to be very effective in combating the multiple system involvement of this disease.
Among the different oral medications Shivagutika is unique in its category as it is capable of showing Shaman, Bramhana, and Rasayana effect. Simultaneously Rajayakshma is characterized by the depletion of body aliments. The body became lean and this person becomes emaciation this counteract that effect. The Shivagutika contains Brahamana drugs like Shatavari, Vidari, Drasksha, Godugdha, Jeevanthi and so on. The present study shows the improvement in the body weight of patient following the treatment of Shivagutika affirms its Brahamana effects.
One of the factors related to the depletion of the body aliments and emaciation is
Angnimandhya. Agnimandhaya exhibits the progressive biotransformation of body aliments from rasa to sukra dhatu. This pathogensis includes both Jataragnimandhaya and Dhatvagnimandhaya , this Angnimandhaya is best treated by Shivagutika and the formulation contains many Deepana, Pachana drugs like Pippali, Marchia, Nagara, Gajapippali etc. once again improvement in ability to consume food followed by the increasing the weight, patient treated with Shivagutika proves the effect.
Symptoms related to Pranavaha Srotas are common in Rajayakshama. It includes Kasa, Swasha, Prathisaya Peenasa, Parshvashoola and so on, Shivagutika is a unique combination having drugs to counteract the symptoms also the drugs like Talsipatra, Puksharamoola, Pippali. Kantakari, Brathi etc. The reduction of Kasa from 5.85 to 2.050 by the drug Shivagutika confirms this effect.
Atisara is another commonest symptom of Rajayakshma. Medicines like Musta, Kutaja controls the same. The Atisara which was seen among the patients treated with Shivagutika and complete remission is seen. Contrary to this the patient of Rajayakshma also develops constipation. Drugs like Danti, Triphala are effective in maintain the Anulomana of the Vata.
Jwara is considered as invariable symptoms of Rajayakshma Shivagutika as drug to counteract Jwara also like Musta, Patola, Katuki, Agnimantha this evidence in present study shows that Jwara by reduction from 6.850 to 1.850 by the effect of Shivagutika confirms the efficacy in relation to Jwara. The drugs are also having action on Kusta, Cahrdhi, Angamardha, Kristhangata, and so on.
More than anything the definite significant increase in CD4 count confirms the efficacy of Shivagutika in Rajayakshma/ HIV infection. From this observation it can be definitely said that Shivagutika can be prescribed as an effective treatment in Rajayakshma / HIV infection. This study is carried out in stage I and II of HIV infection with a single dose per day regimen. Therefore there is ample of scope of continuation of study in the other stages of HIV infection and also in increased dosage for the better response of Rajayakshma/ HIV infection in Stage III and IV.
- The etiology of Rajayakshma mediates through Dhatu Kshaya and consequently reduces the Vyadhikshamtva.
- Sahasa,Vishamasna,Vegasandharana and Dhatukshaya are the unique categories of etiology of Rajayakshma and the patient may have the causes from any or all the categories.
- Etiological factor rendering impaired Vyadhiskshamtva increases the risk of diseases hence the plethora of manifestation, multitude of the disease and plurality of complication marks the illness Rajayakshma.
- Intimate contact, sexual relation takes a major role in transmission of the disease.
- The etiology, the pathology, the clinical symptoms, complication and final outcome of disease is similar to tuberculosis and identical to HIV Infection/ AIDS.
- Shivagutika is effective in controlling the clinical manifestation of Rajayakshma AIDS/HIV infection.
- Shivagutika as definite Brahmana effect increase in body weight and BMI.
- Shivagutika is effective in recuperating the depleted Dhatu, increase in Hb% is one among the evidences for the same.
- The important in CD4 count affirms the therapeutic benefit of Shivagutika in HIV infection/AIDS beyond the doubt.