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Procreation- is the biological process by which new “Offspring” individual organisms are produced from their “Parents”. Recreation- is an essential part of human life and finds many different forms which are shaped naturally by individual interest but also by the sur¬roundings social construction. Infertility is one of the major concerns for the upcoming gen¬eration because busy with carrier making. Now a day’s male and female both are competent in almost all the field from Driver to Doctor but they are not concerning about the feature offspring’s.  The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 60 to 80 million couples worldwide currently suffer from infertility. Infertility varies across regions of the World and is estimated to affect 8 to 12 % of couples worldwide. In Ayurvedic medical science several modes and methods for the good progeny have been mentioned and if we follow them then there is better hope for this circumstance.
Procreation is essential to continue the spe¬cies, and Ayurveda says for this require proper diet, proper rest,  Brhamhachary Palana, Sadvrutta Palana, Moksha, (codes and conduct mentioned in Ayurveda) etc are require for  model progeny, and it is  the aim of  Ayurvedic science. Recreation is primary motto, Variety of sex techniques have been mentioned in the classics. If we see practi¬cally Kama, Asana, Vasikarna etc highest recreation is the goal of previous generation but now scenario has changed. Control of population, Small for better care, Premarital, extramarital, legalized sex, Necessity of preventing procreation. In Ayurvedic  lite-rature many thousands decades back ex¬plains about Astanga Maithuna (Eight tech¬niques of sexual intercourse) and which is also holds that good importance in this mod¬ern era also but expression and thinking is somewhat changed. Here try to correlate Astanng Mathuna in modern era as cyber Astanga Maithuna. Smarana (Fantasy) Kir¬tanam (music), Keli (amusement) Prek-shanam (Browsing), Guhya Bhashana (Chatting) Sankalpo (Planning) Adhyavasya (Dating) Kriya Nivratti (Sex).
Demand Still Existing for model progeny
Serious involvement in marriage still exist¬ing worldwide but there are various factors are involved not to get a model progeny. The man fails to impregnate his wife; wife fails to conceive, incessant decrease in fer¬tility rate, Couple is anxious to have child and Medical consultation is the only option. This is a twenty first century and the science is so much advanced and has a various ad¬vanced tools and management protocol available. There are few treatment protocol has been mentioned here and they are bene¬ficial for some extent. Conservative man¬agement, surgical intervention, Artificial (partner) insemination, In-vitro Fertilization, Gamete intra follopian tube transfer, Zygote intarafallopian transfer, Intra cytoplasmic sperm insertion, Follicle aspiration, sperm injection, and assisted follicular rupture these are the few modern treatment for the infertility but this is not end for the crisis to not getting the offspring’s.


Now a day’s scenario is changing and people are much aware of the Ayurved world wide and they are seeking treatment, sug¬gestion from great science. There is various treatment modalities has been mentioned in Ayurveda, The responsible factor for infer¬tility in Ayurveda mentioned as male factor, female factor and combined factors. Always not necessary that if a person having good physic and strength not able to produce a good progeny simultaneously if a person is lean and thin he can able to give a good progeny, so here the body type, or physical strength is not important.1  Few of important treatment protocols mentioned here.
Shodhana Procedure (Purification of the body)
Vamana (Pathological factors expel through oral route), Virechana (purgative procedure), Basti (installation of medicine through rectal route as well as urethral route), Nasya (Instalation of Medicine through Nasal route), Rakta Mok¬shana (Bloodletting) are the cleansing me¬thod have prime importance in various kind of diseases, in infertility patients also, Shod¬hana Chikitsa is very much essential.
After good purification of the whole body of the male and female on can go for various medication according to strength of the patients and select the medicine which increases the Shukra (Quantity and quality of the Shukra (sperm), here some of the medicines like Ghrita, Kshira, Shrakara, and various types of Mamsa which men¬tioned in the classics. Here these oral medi¬cations like Herbal and herbo mineral all forms of Vati, Churna,Leha, Kashaya etc can be advised.

Preparing for your appointment

We offer treatment for infertile couple with the help of ancient life science of  Ayuveda, Shodhana (Panchakarma) and Shamana(Oral Medication) therapy will be advised for the needy people.
Those who want a healthy progeny the ram clinic will advise the do and don’ts before pregnancy and during the pregnancy as per Ayurveda.

Dr M Rathod MD, PhD

Ram Speciality Clinic, # 113/697, Opposite to Govt School,  

Munnekolala, Bangalore, Karnataka 


Mobile: 9611303443 


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